
How to Install Material Pack(s) - C4D


  1. Once purchased LINK HERE, please download to your computer
  2. Unzip files into a secure directory on computer
  3. Open Cinema 4D
  4. Select “Asset Browser” button
  5. Select “Databases” button
  6. Right Click and select “Connect Database”
  7. Select purchased database folder(s) inside “YMA_Toon_Studio_Asset_Browser”.
  8. Repeat process to combine multiple Material Pack(s). They will combine in one YMA_Toon_Studio category and now always available in your Asset Browser Panel.


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Database Speed Up Tip


Have you ever used a database and wondered why it takes so long to load? Once Database(s) are installed hover over the greyed out icon next to the eye and click to create an Index, this will store images and textures, speeding up your selected databases whenever you search, reopen C4D, or open the Asset Browser!
