1. Make sure to have OD Tools installed.

  2. In Houdini, open the OD Asset Library pane, and add $YMA_TOON/od_lib to your saved folders


  3. Go to the Library tab and select the $YMA_TOON/od_lib directory, you will find the collections as a Sub Dirs on the top right corner of the Asset Lib


Link Custom Thumbnails

YMA Toon Studio library comes with custom thumbnails that you can link to the OD Asset Library by creating a .txt file that links the ODzip asset with the asset thumbnail. Follow the steps below to link the custom thumbnails:

  1. In Houdini, open a Python Shell pane and execute the code below:


    Copy the script below in the Python Shell and press enter on keyboard:

    import yma_od_thumbs as yma
  2. Select an empty space on the Asset Library and click Parse Text File with asset;thumb line for jpg Thumbnails, select the created thumbs.txt file located in $YMA_TOON/od_lib :


  3. Done!