Material Palette

As soon as you install the material library with one of the methods below:

You can find the YMA Toon Studio_USD category after the non-usd materials:


The USD materials are identical except saved with the RS USD Material Builder container.

OD Tools - Asset Library

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The steps to see the USD materials on the OD Asset Library are the same as the non-USD materials, just need to point to the od_lib_**usd** folder instead of od_lib.(step 2).

You can have both libraries added into the OD Asset Library.



  1. Make sure to have OD Tools installed.

  2. In Houdini, open the OD Asset Library pane, and add $YMA_TOON/od_lib_usd to your saved folders


  3. Go to the Library tab and select the $YMA_TOON/od_lib directory, you will find the collections as a Sub Dirs on the top right corner of the Asset Lib
